Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Today is the day!

Saying goodbye to Dr. Anna....
He was forever ours! As I was reading back on that day, I was thinking "I don't remember writing this" well because I didn't, it was penned by my darling husband. I thought I had finally just lost my mind :0) You can read his words HERE.
What a day that was. I just can't believe he's been ours for a whole year. It feels like he's been ours forever...
We are celebrating BIG tonight. Russian food, Russian  place cards, decorations, the first of Charlie's 18 years of Russia gifts, you name it. I'll post some pictures later.
In the meantime, we are celebrating a HUGE year of being Charlie's proud mama and papa. What a blessing. What an answer to prayer. Please forgive how rough I look in this video and focus on one of the best days of my life!


  1. Happy One year! The video is wonderful!

  2. Congrats of the family day! Can't believe it has been a year for you all! What a great year for you.

  3. Forever...what a wonderful word. It is amazing to me how much love he has brought to our family. A year...sometimes it seems like yesterday I heard the words "We have him...He is ours! Other times it seems like he has been always been a part of our family. Whichever feeling....I just know that Baba loves her CHARLIE! Happy gotcha day!

  4. Ya! What a special day for your family. Glad you had a wonderful celebration.

  5. Boy has he changed! I can tell you that Pskov was just this icy yesterday! Happy Russia Day Charlie (and nakey Charlie)!!
