Thursday, February 26, 2009

What's in a name?

I know it's early......but when I start daydreaming (at work, watching t.v., even at church.....I know that's bad, right? But at least I'm being mind drifts to the baby and all things baby- the disaster area that is my home with a home study quickly approaching, the paperwork "what exactly does aposelate mean?" and a NAME! People often ask me "so what are you thinking for a name?" I throw a few out there- we really haven't settled on anything, but I mention a few and people often turn up their noses and say "Oh....well that's o.k." or "that's not bad....." I'm not blaming them for that reaction- I'm not 100% in love with any name yet, I've never had a "list" of names like some of my girlfriends have and when they've started having kids they just go down the list and there we go!

I think dealing with teenagers on a daily basis too you have a lot of preconceived ideas about certain names, and you don't want to pick a name that may be ammunition for any picking, teasing, or bad rhyming possibilities. For a girl you need to think of the monogram! Ashley Savannah Deetz sounds just fine but what if she marries a boy with a last name Smith? You must be careful with the vowel! And you don't want a "Samuel Aaron Deetz, S.A.D" or "Christian Owen Deetz, C.O.D" And all names that have too many vowels or beginning with the letter D is out! If you pick a "vowely name" (I totally made that word up) You have some serious letter rhyming (R-E-E-D D-E-E-T-Z) or a "double d" scenario. I love the name Darcy, as in Mr. Darcy and I think it's just plain cute- but Darcy Deetz, come on! So after a name meets that criteria- then you do the rhyming test and the "riding the bus pick on you" chanting test "Rose, Rose, picks her nose!" Take those off the list immediately!

Another reaction I've had with people my age after they disapprove of the names we like is "Well I'll tell you my favorite names but you CANNOT steal them if I tell you!" Part of me wants to plug my ears and say "then don't tell me!" what if I really love their names? I'm warning you- I'm a desperate woman-I will steal your name! But I've been tempted to listen to all the names and then say "We'll those are....o.k."

If you would like to make a name suggestion, I promise I will not make fun of you! But I think our name choice may be the only part of our journey that may remain a secret!

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