Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Mysterious.


We live in an ever changing world.....Tonight when I came home from the rummage sale (post immediate bath) I signed on to talk to you and let you know how things are going since I missed a night and MY HOW THINGS CHANGE!
I saw a "Russia Update" on my e-mail before signing onto the blog, which in past experiences is never a GOOD thing. I read the LONG e-mail, then re-read it. I'm really not sure if it's good or bad, mostly mysterious. With a lot of things I just don't think we are getting the big picture...... Recap- things are slowing down more in Russia (bad), but the failure of Russia's foster system with the increased world financial disaster, things could start to speed up (good, well kinda). C.W.A. is still very strong and highly admired in Russia (good) but the Harrison Case Verdict (see blogs past) still looms heavily in Russia's courts (bad). If you don't ask for a specific boy or girl it's faster (good) and if you raise your age requirement it's faster too (good). However, some regions are starting to change their requirements (BAD) and we'll receive a phone call if we are being effected (BAD and MYSTERIOUS). Anyway, I'm just not going to sweat all this. It's whatever. I'm more upset that we haven't gotten our home study draft back yet. All of this just sounds like more things that are out of our control. And when you're not in control of anything, what's a few more things you aren't in control of?
The last paragraph of the e-mail was interesting though, it basically said "It's not too late to change to another country or adopt a sibling group, since they are so difficult to place" The part about the encouragement to change to another country was interesting me (Mysterious).
OTHER things that have changed- I can now update the blog from my e-mail and cell phone. How cool is that? I am looking forward to the day when I can text the Blog from abroad to say "Got Baby. Bringing home baby Deetz" However, that could be in 6 months (good) 12 months (bad) or from Ethiopia instead of Russia (mysterious). In the meantime, we'll just stay the course- it's all we can do.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sarah & Chad,
    Sorry it has taken me so long to reply to your comments to us. For the past 3 weeks there was an error every time I tried to post a comment on anyone's blog; then the past week I have been without internet.

    On the home study hang in there. We had our first visit in early July and last a few weeks after that. It wasn't until the end of October until we had it finalized . One month of that was our choosing,so you can say it took about 3 months start to end. After that corrections had to be made. I strongly suggest your case manager reviewing it before you apostille it. So in short the home study was not sent to Russia until December 15th or so. Good news, it was only a month after that when we became registered.

    On the recent email. I agree with how you put it. We maybe considering revising our home study to include siblings, so stay tuned. We will decide in the next few days.

    Don't let the wait get you down. Just remember the old saying "Good things come to those who wait." God has the perfect child for both of us, we just have to trust and be assured that God is in control. The delays may be his way of getting us to our perfect child/children.

