Tuesday, March 3, 2009


March 3, 2009: Snow day number two. Today's task included folding a laundry basket full of socks. I dumped out both sock drawers, well I dumped Chad's and scooped out mine because my drawer is being held together by wood glue and duct tape (Quite a funny story involving Chad falling down the stairs while carrying my drawer to the moving van in Georgia, but a long story for another time and place.) Sorry, I digress- socks from two drawers, all the clean socks from the laundry, along with the rogue socks that ended up behind the dryer and under the bed filled one giant laundry basket. So, anyway, I dumped them all out and began sorting and folding them in an attempt to finish the "great organizing clothes project" AND pictured are all the socks that have somehow lost their mate, a mystery of modern science. Now, these socks are from several years of thinking "well I don't know where it went, but I'll hang onto it just in case it shows up in a few days" but still- that is a ridiculous amount of socks to not have a mate. I know this doesn't have anything to do with the adoption, but I just had to show you this. I guess we could loosely tie this knowledge to preparations for our home study next weekend- (March 14th) but really I think I may have a touch of cabin fever and just wanted to share this enigma with you. I know Portia will not be grading us on how many lonely socks we have in our drawers, but still......
Today's bible verse comes from the parable of the lost son in Luke 15:24- It comes after the parable of the lost sheep and the lost coin. "For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was LOST and is now found. So they began to celebrate." Now I gave up, gathered up all those socks and threw them in the trash, but thankfully God has never given up on me and knows that no matter how far I wander (even wasting your time and telling you stories about socks....) that he celebrates when I depend fully on him!

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